Intuitive Eating at Your Dinner Table with Jennifer D’Amato

How many of you are concerned about your eating habits?

As the first month of the year is settling down, we've all seen a number of goals floating around the internet world. One of those goals is our eating habits. We look to find our ideal weight without taking into account that weight management also includes our issues with body shame and how we make peace with our food to redefine our health.

Today we are having a conversation with Jennifer D’Amato, who is an Intuitive Eating Counselor, Coach, and Host of The Intuitive Eating Mama Podcast. She specializes in helping women reconnect with their bodies while making peace with food. She helps women redefine their whole physical health, especially in toxic diet culture. Jennifer not only takes us away from that dark culture but also helps women embrace their bodies, embrace their food, and look at what's on their plate with love instead of feeling guilty about it.

In addition to her work as an Intuitive Eating Counselor and Coach, she is married to her husband of over 20 years and mom to four brilliant intuitive-eating daughters! When she has downtime you can find her laughing at a sitcom episode she has already seen 5 times, hanging with her girls, or cooking up something yummy in the kitchen.

In This Episode

[02:29] Welcoming Jennifer to the show.

[03:50] What is intuitive eating?

[06:12] Eating like a toddler.

[09:57] The hidden rules of eating from parent to child.

[12:12] Guiding our kids to relearn eating.

[17:07] Jennifer’s favorite principles of intuitive eating.

[22:28] Taking out the emotional value of food.

[24:08] Reframing the term picky eater and what to do if your child is one.

[33:56] Involving our kids in food planning.

[37:20] How Jennifer helps moms with intuitive eating.

[39:56] “Food can be fun and it can be enjoyable. It doesn't have to come with a side of guilt or shame, and you can feel comfortable in your body.” - Jennifer

Key Takeaway

Intuitive eating is a family affair where both parents and children can participate in healthy eating habits without restrictions, shame, or guilt.

Eating at the dinner table together should be a shared experience where everyone can enjoy both the food and the moments with food.

Let’s focus on taking away the diet culture and seeing how dieting has taken away more than it has ever given to you. By reconnecting with your body you can have the life you truly desire and reframe how you view yourself, your body, and your relationship with food.

About Jennifer

Jennifer D'Amato is an Intuitive Eating Counselor and Coach helping women remove food guilt, feel like normal eaters again, and stop obsessing about food. She often works with women struggling with orthorexia or years of off-and-on dieting and those with body image issues.

She also incorporates the principles of Health at Every Size® (HAES) into her practice. This all means that she will never tell you to restrict foods or deprive yourself of a food you enjoy. Instead, she encourages you to see how dieting has taken away more than it has ever given to you and that by reconnecting with your body you can have the life you truly desire.

On her weekly podcast, she sheds some light on sneaky ways diet culture has infiltrated your thoughts, your family, and your well-being. From time to time she brings guests that will help you navigate the journey toward making peace with food and body. She also shares parts of her own journey from chronic dieting and orthorexia to being an Intuitive Eating Counselor.

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