The Four Tendencies Framework: Facilitate A Growth Environment For Your Kids
I want to share a phenomenal concept that I learned from a book called “The Four Tendencies” by Gretchen Rubin. This can be a tool to facilitate a growth environment for your kids, guide them, and help them to make the best choice for them.
'Connecting With Our Kids Through Humor: Using It As A Tool' With Doug Schneider
Laughing with your kids and enjoying the moment of connection is one of the best feelings ever as a parent. Parents, particularly dads, tend to rely on humor to connect with their children. You know, the ones that lead to loud groans or sometimes lots of eye-rolling. They're appropriately called "dad jokes."
A little humor can help make parenting easier.
Parenting 101: What Exactly Is Parenting?
You immediately think of children when you hear the word parenting. I have been a parent for more than ten years, and in the first five of those years, I struggled a lot because I didn't know any better. Since then, I've realized that parenting is more about us parents than it is about our children.
In today’s episode, we will dive into what parenting is and how to become perfect in parenting. This is the building phase of our life and humanity. Let’s get this right.