The Importance And Benefits Of Parent-Child Dates

Eight years ago, somebody told me about parent-child dates. Unconsciously, I was doing some of these things, but it was only until recently that I began doing this intentionally.

What are parent-child dates? It is simply having dates with your child/children. Intentionally taking them out for a special bonding. Building that connection while they’re still young.

In this episode, I would like to share with you the importance and benefits of having parent-child dates. How having these dates can improve your connection and how this can address the different emotional needs our children have.

Why Is It Important?

Growing up, kids develop different emotional needs. And as parents, it is our responsibility to meet those. Especially with families with two or more children. Tendencies are, one child may be jealous of the other at one point. And so setting up dates with each child will show that you care about them individually, and you’ll be able to meet the different emotional needs each one has.

It’s Never Too Early And It’s Never Too Late

It’s never too early and it’s never too late to start parent-child dates. Children grow up fast, before you know it they’re already teenagers and they prefer to be with their friends. So if your child is just one year old, or maybe ten, you can start taking them out for dates. 

The Benefits

My favorite reason for doing these dates is one-on-one time. It doesn’t matter if it’s just 5 minutes or 20 minutes, it’s all about giving undivided attention to our child without any distractions. It is very important for them to feel that we love them, that they are important to you. 

Another reason or benefit is having lesser sibling rivalries. Doing dates separately makes them feel that mom or dad is mine for that specific time. They don’t have to compete for attention because your focus is just on one child.

Third is it reinforces your child’s importance and position in the family. This actually fulfills their need of being heard and being involved. They would feel they matter, and a part of the family when you're giving them their undivided attention.

The Fourth reason is parent-child dates make your family stronger. This way, we all get our bonding time, emotional needs are met. We are learning about each other's likes and dislikes. As a family, we're becoming closer together.

Number five is it is the easiest way to connect with your child. Dates don’t have to be expensive, a simple walk to the closest park is free, you just have to be creative and intentional. 

Prioritize Their Wants And Desires

When doing dates, consider what your children want to do and not what you want to do. For older kids, they already have their own interests, and it’s your chance to hone those interests by getting involved and supporting them during these dates. This way you learn about them, what they value, and you can have deep conversations with them. For younger kids, it could be through games, watching movies, or anything your child enjoys. It’s all about knowing your kids and valuing their needs.

It’s All About Intention

Having parent-child dates is really about connecting with your child on a deeper level. To have that intention to bond with them means investing in your relationship. This is what we want to teach them, invest in relationships and make it a habit to connect. In the future, it will be natural for them to connect with people

Start creating that connection. Go on dates with your children. It’s never too early, and it’s never too late to start.


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