What I Learned From My COVID-19 Journey

On September 20, 2021, I tested positive for Covid. News nobody would like to hear and  scared to deal with. But in spite of that, I choose to take it in a positive approach. 

Here I am quarantined in my room for the fifth day, eating, reading, sleeping, and working in one space. As I reflected a couple days ago, I chose to not feel negative about my situation, but instead to use this time to be more productive, be positive, and focus on what’s really important in life.

Being a mom doesn’t have a pause button, even when you’re quarantined. And so what this time has taught me are two things. First, is my connection with my children. And second is taking care of my mind.

In this episode, I will share with you what I learned from my Covid journey.

Looking After My Mental Health

Taking care of your physical health is the number one priority during this time, but it’s also important to look after your mental health. And to do that, I have kept myself busy reflecting and journaling.

This is the opportunity for me to look within, tap into my inner wisdom, and work with myself instead of working against myself. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about making a choice, it’s all about a positive mindset.

Connecting With My Kids

Communication is still the best way to lasting relationships. And at this time, the way to connect with them is through video calls. I consistently show up, talk to them, and listen to them despite my situation. It is important for them to know that we are with them, even if it’s just through calls or video calls. 

Being In The Right Mindset

Fear is your number one enemy when you test positive for Covid. And for me, survival is also about having a positive mind. Instead of having self-pity, I decided to take this as an opportunity to connect with family, reflect, and to really know myself. A blessing in disguise.

Though I worried how my kids are without me, I learned that I don’t always have to be there to tell them what to do, or do things for them. I’m always used to guiding them, facilitating an environment where my kids can thrive. But what I realized is it’s okay to delegate. It’s okay to give them some independence. It’s okay to not control everything.

It’s All About Choices

At the end of the day, you are always given a choice. Whether you’re in a good or bad place, choices come right after. And for me, I choose to be positive, to have the right mindset. We might not really have control of what happens to our body, but we have control of what happens in our mind. Take it as an opportunity, and you will thrive.


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