Planting Seeds Through Conscious Parenting
I believe life is a process. It’s all about the evolution of consciousness. If you look at the way the universe created this world, it's always about the seed, a plant, a flower, and a fruit. Then, it goes back to the seed.
Three Reflections I Learned During My Vacation
Ninety percent of the time, I am in the doing mode. It’s just hard for me to take some time off. I do have Saturdays and Sundays, but weekends are still packed with activities like spiritual practices, volunteer work, coaching, and all the other stuff. And I haven’t really had the time off I needed.
Three Behaviors Parents Need To Avoid
Sometimes, we exhibit behaviours towards our children we don’t mean. When we’re tired, overwhelmed, or having bad days, we tend to respond to our children in an unloving way. Though we don’t do them consciously, we still end up hurting our kids.